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Forgings from 20 to 15,000 kg

Materials: low- and medium-alloyed steel, tool, highly alloyed, ferritic, austenitic, duplex, martensitic

Weight category: 20 to 15,000 kg

Maximum size: shaft (up to max. 8,000 mm length), rings (up to max. D 2,250 mm), discs (up to max. D 1,850 mm), blocs and shaped forgings

Forging equipment: CKV 630, CKV 1250/1600 and CKV 1800/2250 with rail-bound manipulators

Heat treatment: annealing, refinement in water, oil and polymer bath

Supply condition: non-roughed, roughed or machined as complete

We now offer forgings in ESR quality.


Jaromír Pospíšil
Commercial Manager of Metallurgical Division
Phone: +420 566 642 405

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