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ZDAS Will Supply Deburring Lines to Russia


On Monday 23rd March, ZDAS Company signed a contract for the supply of deburring lines for bar rolling mill SPC-1 in Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant (OEMK). The equipment for 1.7 million euros will be despatched to the customer’s plant in Stary Oskol at the beginning of 2021.

Altogether four workplaces for deburring of bars of diameters from 80 to 200 millimeters and length from 3000 to 12 300 millimeters will be implemented in the existing bar processing plant and connected to automatic control system.

The Russian metallurgical plant OEMK has been among long-time and significant customers of ZDAS engineering company. Ten years ago, ZDAS supplied inspection lines amounting to about fifty million euros to this customer. “At the moment, we discuss further large contracts with this metallurgical plant”, said Pavel Cesnek, the managing director of ZDAS. “The customer is very satisfied with our equipment’s quality and we believe that it will help us to win new contracts in the future, too”, added Pavel Cesnek.

With the aim to minimize the coronavirus spread risks, ZDAS has taken important precautionary measures. All employees, whose daily presence at work is not necessary, are taking their annual leave from 17 to at least 3 April. „We have not reduced our production though – employees necessary to ensure production keep working on contracts under way. Even in this difficult situation, we keep our production running”, pointed out the managing director Pavel Cesnek.