Let us know about you. Contacts for individual buyers for specific commodities can be found in „Contacts“ section. You can also directly register your company to our purchasing tool Promitea at web sites zdas.promitea.com and become easily part of our supplier panel. At the same time you can see a list of open tenders and if the conditions of tender will allow that, you can ask responsible buyer for supplementary invitation
Purchasing Manager | Jana Jůzlová | +420 566 643 992 | jana.juzlova@zdas.cz |
Head of project goods purchase | Milan Padalík | +420 566 643 974 | milan.padalik@zdas.cz |
Head of subcontracting | Tomáš Sádovský | +420 566 642 505 | tomas.sadovsky@zdas.cz |
Head of metallurgical material purchase | Radim Chmelíček | +420 566 642 407 | radim.chmelicek@zdas.cz |
Head of purchase for metallurgy | Jakub Šindelka | +420 566 642 133 | jakub.sindelka@zdas.cz |
Head of services purchase | Jana Stočková | +420 566 641 904 | jana.stockova@zdas.cz |
Head of warehouses | Lukáš Eler | +420 566 642 142 | lukas.eler@zdas.cz |
Head of customs services | Pavla Zbojková | +420 566 642 638 | pavla.zbojkova@zdas.cz |